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Cranberry Amaretto Biscotti with White Chocolate

Biscotti gets a bad wrap. Store bought/ mass produced is often so dry and uninspired, it's understandable when someone voices their disdain of it. This is one of my longest running recipes, I think the first time I made these it was the height of Back Street Boys fame (mid 90's). Yeah, I like it that way!

Anyways, biscotti. These cookies are twice baked (that's what biscotti means after all) and remarkably tender. One time I accidentally doubled the butter and.... honestly they tasted even better! I don't necessarily recommend doing that- but I'm happy to say it didn't ruin the batch!


-2 1/2 cups A.P. flour

-1 tsp. baking powder

-1/2 tsp. salt

-1 1/2 cups sugar

-1/2 cup butter, room temperature

-2 lg. eggs

-1/2 tsp. almond extract

-1 1/2 cups dried cranberries

-1 egg white

-6 oz. good quality white chocolate


1.) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F and prepare cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking sheet

2.) Combine the flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl and set aside

3.) Beat butter, sugar and almond extract in a bowl on medium until well blended

4.) Add the 2 eggs and beat again until combined well

5.) Add the flour mixture and mi until blended

6.) Add the dried cranberries and mix once again. The dough will be quite stiff

7.) Split dough in half and make into two logs on a lightly floured surface and hands. The logs should be approx. 9" long, 2 1/2" wide and 1 inch tall

8.) Lightly beat your egg white with a fork until frothy and brush onto the tops and sides of your 2 logs

9.) Bake for 30-35 minutes until golden

10.) Cool completely and transfer to a cutting board

11.) Using a serrated knife cut the logs into 1/2" wide slices and place cut side down on the cookie sheet (remove parchment or silicone mat-bake directly on cookie sheet)

12.) Bake 10 minutes, turn them over then bake an additional 5 minutes until golden

13.) Melt the chocolate over a double boiler and drizzle on top of biscotti either using a fork or a squeeze bottle


*Makes about 30 cookies

*Can freeze for up to a month or up to a week in an airtight container


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