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Crunchiest Baked Onion Rings

I was having a REAL hankering for onion rings last night. Since I'm on my 8 week challenge, I knew making a pit stop at A&W was the wrong thing to do, so I googled baked onion rings and found this great recipe! It's still a treat- not necessarily a health food BUT, it's much better than the deep fried version calorie wise. They are ridiculously crunchy and really satisfied my craving!

Thanks to the Just a Taste blog for the recipe!


-2 lg. onions (any kind will do)

-3/4 cup all purpose flour

-4 lg. egg whites

-2 tbsp. mayonnaise

-1 cup FINE breadcrumbs

-1 tsp. salt

-1 tsp. black pepper

-seasoning salt to taste


1.) Pre-heat oven to 425 F and spray a cookie sheet with baking spray

2.) Slice the onions into 1/2" rings and place in a bowl of water

3.) In a med. bowl whisk the salt and pepper into the flour

4.) Separate the egg whites into a med. bowl and whisk in the mayonnaise

5.) Put the bread crumbs into a third medium sized bowl

6.) Take a ring from the bowl of onions in the water and place in the flour mixture, coating well

7.) Next place it in the egg mixture, again coating it well

8.) Lastly, place it in the breadcrumbs and coat it well- making sure the breadcrumbs are sticking well and place on cookie sheet

9.) Give he rings a quick spray with the baking spray and sprinkle with seasoning salt to taste

10.) Bake at 425F for 10 minutes, flip them and bake an additional 5 minutes


* Can be served with dip or eaten naked( as I did) The rings were naked, not me! :)

* I halved this recipe, as I couldn't eat that many onion rings if I tried.


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