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This just might be the *perfect* blend of spices for your ginger cookie needs.

*Recipe is from a wonderful blog called The Daring Gourmet

Click HERE to watch The Pfeffernusse video!


2 1/2 tbsp. ground cinnamon

2 tsp. ground cloves

1/2 tsp. ground allspice

1/2 tsp. ground coriander

1/2 tsp. ground green cardamom

1/2 tsp.ground ginger

1/2 tsp.ground star anise

***I didn't have star anise so I substituted ground anise seeds (but made it a 1/4 tsp. instead as it is more intense in flavour)

1/4 tsp. ground mace

1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg


Mix it up and use in your fave ginger cookies!



You should add ½ tsp. dried lemon peel to your spice mix. Also, many grocery stores carry packets of Badia star anise if you want to use that.

My recipe, that I've used for many years, is based on a packet of German spice mix that I used to buy on a local German store. Sadly they went out of business. So now I make my own. The spice mix is called Neunerlei because it's a mix of 9 spices. Way back when, any spice that tingled the senses was called pepper. My neunerlei mix doesn't have pepper in it. Here's the Neunerlei spice mix recipe that I developed from a packet of Alba Lebkuchen gewürtz. It makes 3½ Tablespoons…

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