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Olive Oil & Rosemary Seedy Crackers

Click HERE to watch the YouTube Video

I had no idea how easy it was to make crackers! I had some Danish Airbnb guests a couple of years ago who made crackers every day (similar to these ones) because they couldn't find crackers like them in Canada. They were super seedy and tasty! This recipe is inspired by them.

Olive Oil & Rosemary Seedy Crackers


2/3 cup almond meal or oat flour

1/4 tsp. Baking powder

2 tbsp. ground flaxseed

1 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1/8 tsp. garlic powder

3 1/2 tbsp. olive oil

3-5 tbsp. water

Optional- 1 tbsp. sesame seeds


1.) Mix all the dry ingredients in your food processor and pulse until combined

2.) Add the oil and pulse until crumbly

3.) Add the COLD water 1 tbsp. at a time until the dough becomes semi-sticky (no longer crumbly) * Might not need to use all the water- just use enough to make it sticky enough to form a ball without it falling apart

4.) Form into a loose ball

5.) Between 2 pieces of parchment or wax paper (plastic wrap would do in a pinch too) roll the dough out to approx. 1/8" thick (thicker makes it more like a sesame stick, thinner more like a wheat thin)

6.) Use either small cookie cutters or a knife to cut your crackers and transfer to your cookie sheet. You can space them close together as they don't spread

7.) Place in the fridge for 20 minutes prior to baking

8.) Bake at 325 for 18-25 minutes (check at 18 minutes to see if ready)


* If you don't have a food processor you could easily just use a bowl and a wooden spoon for these

*I like mine a little on the crisper side so I baked for just under 25 minutes.

*I would also sprinkle a little flaked sea salt on the tops next time I make them

* They will keep in an airtight container for about a week


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