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Raised Sourdough Doughnuts
Oh my- making these doughnuts was fun. I have very strong childhood memories when it comes to these wonderfully simple doughy balls of goodness. Watch the YouTube video HERE to hear the story! I have access to a deep fat fryer, but if you do not - you can just use a pot of oil and use a temperature gauge to make sure the heat doesn't go above 350. Throwing them together is dead simple. TRY IT for yourself!

-2 cups All Purpose Flour

-1/4 cup white sugar

-1 tsp. salt

-1/4 tsp. nutmeg

-1/2 cup milk

-1/4 cup canola oil, plus more for frying

-1 large egg

-1/2 cup active sourdough starter (make sure it is bubbly!)


-1/4 cup milk

-2 cups powdered sugar

-2 tsp. vanilla extract


1.) Throw all the ingredients in a medium mixing bowl and mix with a wooden spoon until well combined

2.) Turn it out onto a floured surface and knead it for about 2-3 minutes. Dough should be nice and smooth but not sticky at all

3.) Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for an hour. (You can let it rest for 24 hours in the fridge if you don't want to make them right away)

4.) To cut out the doughnuts, re-flour your surface and roll the dough out to 1/2" thick approx.

*If you don't have a doughnut cutter you can use a mason jar to cut out the doughnuts and a smaller circle to cut the doughnut hole.

5.) Lay them on a tray lined with parchment paper and lay a towel over them. Allow an hour to an hour and a half for them to rise.

6.) Have a plate lined with paper towels ready to place the freshly cooked doughnuts on, and heat your oil in the fryer or on the stovetop. (Use 2"" of oil in the bottom of a 3 quart pan)

7.) Let it get to 350 F and place 2-3 doughnuts in the oil (they will want room to move so don't overcrowd them)

8.) Cook for approx. 2 minutes per side until golden brown. Use metal tongs to remove the doughnuts from the oil.

9.) Give the temperature a chance to get back up to 350, then place the next 2-3 doughnuts in and repeat.


1.) Heat the milk in a small pot to simmer

2.) Whisk in the powdered sugar, then add in the vanilla.

3.) Dip the cooled doughnuts in the glaze and put sprinkles on them or keep them simple!


*If you want to do sugar or cinnamon + sugar doughnuts make sure to toss them in the sugar immediately after frying or the sugar won't stick


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