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Vegan Leek & Broccoli Soup

Click HERE to watch the YouTube tutorial!

I discovered this soup a couple of years ago when I was researching anti-inflammatory recipes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE soup, and take any opportunity I can to add a new regular into the mix. Since I've now made this over a dozen times, I think it's safe to say, it has made it to the inner circle of soups. Tumeric POW! Ginger POW POW! Leeks KAPOW! Broccoli KAPOW WOW! You get it... ANTI-INFLAMMATORY medicine is what this soup is. But just HOW does it taste so yum? I think it's the perfect combo. of ingredients, plus the sesame oil really gives a nice flavour. I don't even like broccoli very much- but I adore this soup.

*Recipe was adapted from Sweet Peas and Saffron's crockpot version.


- 2 tbsp. vegan (or dairy) butter

-4 cups of chopped leeks (approx. 3-4 leeks)

- 2 tbsp. finely grated ginger

-8 cups chopped broccoli (approx. 2 heads, use the stems and everything!)

-1 tsp. ground tumeric

-1 tsp.salt

-pinch of black pepper

-1 tbsp. sesame oil

- 6 cups of veggie (or chicken) stock


1.) Melt the butter in a large saucepan

over medium heat

2.) Add the leeks and cook until soft, stirring occasionally for approx. 5-8 minutes

3.) Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer on med/low for approx. 20 minutes, or until the broccoli is fork tender

4.) Blend until smooth using immersion

or counter top blender

5.) Garnish however you like! I like fresh

ground pepper, croutons or tortilla thins.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are nice as well.

Really, whatever floats your boat here!

* Pictured: Those are little deep fried jalapeno bits that I bought in the crouton

section of the grocery store


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