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Yummiest Chocolate Macaroons

Click HERE to watch the YouTube tutorial!

These chocolate macaroons couldn't be more simple to make. They give MAXIMUM bang for your buck- both in terms of being oh the big coconut flavour and texture and being SO chocolatey. I shared these with my co-workers and had multiple thumbs up over their deliciousness. They might not look the prettiest- but they make up for that small infraction with their tastiness.

*Recipe from Martha Stewart Living.


-4 oz. semi sweet chocolate (chopped up)

-1/4 cup cocoa powder (unsweetened)

-3/4 cup white granulated sugar

- 2 1/2 cups shredded coconut (unsweetened)

-3 large egg whites

- 1 tsp. vanilla

-pinch salt


1.) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F and line your cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat

2.) Melt your chopped chocolate pieces in a double boiler or over a pan of simmering water, let cool a bit

3.) Separate your egg whites from the yolks

4.) Pour the melted chocolate in a large bowl and add cocoa, sugar, egg whites, vanilla and salt. Mix it all up until everything is incorporated

5.) Add in the coconut and mix really well- using your hands works best here!

6.) Wet your hands a bit, then make 1 1/2 tbsp. loose mounds on your cookie sheet. *See note below on size

7.) With your hands form the mounds into small "haystacks"

8.) Place the macaroons about an inch apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes. You want them to be firm to the touch but still moist and chewy inside.

9.) Let cool on cookie sheet and transfer to a air tight container.


* I preferred a slightly smaller bite sized macaroon myself, approx. half the size stated above

*These will be good for up to 3 -4 days in an airtight container


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